Success Stories

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Below are just a few of the successes our members have had. If you're a member and have been shortlisted, auditioned or cast then why not add your success story? Not only will you appear below but also througout the site increasing your exposure! Simply click on 'Add A Success Story' from your Account Menu.

Successes 21 to 40 of 486
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Filiz Fairweather

Hi everyone, I joined Casting Now just over a week ago - I'm pleasantly surprised with the interesting range of opportunities, and delighted to have been invited to a casting already :-) Thanks Casting Now!

Date Posted: 11th February 2018

Peter Robinson

I recently completed work as an Extra, on an ITV production! Thanks CastingNow!

Date Posted: 9th January 2018

Kevin D Stones

Done it again, Judge Rinder Christmas Special Show. Thanks Castingnow.

Date Posted: 12th December 2017

King Star Management

A big thank you to all the Entertainers & Models that attended our recent auditions in Blackpool. We are happy to have signed some of them to our Management Agency who applied exclusively via Casting Now. We are always looking for new talent and hope to find more aspiring Entertainers & Models in 2018 via this excellent site. Dave King / King Star Management

Date Posted: 1st November 2017

Alabama Baxter

Turned up on set as an extra, director auditioned me and gave me a principal role as the leading lady,s father.Cant say any more except wowsers

Date Posted: 30th September 2017

Alabama Baxter

Casting now strikes again,I have just completed 3 half days filming in London and the catering was the best I have ever had on set.Many thanks

Date Posted: 13th August 2017

Kevin D Stones

Having finished the Channel 5 series, two weeks of intense filming, it aired as 'Mind The Age Gap', hope you watched and enjoyed it.

Date Posted: 6th August 2017

King Star Management

We have had the pleasure of advertising on Casting Now for over a year and have auditioned and cast many Entertainers and Aspiring Models whose profiles we have seen on this site some of whom we have signed to our Management. We are always looking for New Faces and find Casting Now an excellent source to seek fresh up and coming talent and recommend it to all. So a big thankyou to the Casting Now Talent Directory. Dave King / King Star Management

Date Posted: 24th July 2017

Alabama Baxter

Hi I have been in a film as one of the lead roles sadly murdered early on,met one of the leading ladies from Poldark quite exciting now I have been asked to do Xmas event and had a skype interview waiting now.All due to casting now,it does what it says on the tin.Thanks

Date Posted: 1st July 2017

Kevin D Stones

Audition this Wednesday for major new production. Must learn my lines..will keep you updated..

Date Posted: 26th June 2017

Kevin D Stones

Now half way through filming a fantastic new film for the Sundance festival in USA. Will be unbelievably good. Restart filming in August.

Date Posted: 10th June 2017

Karyn E

I was recently an extra in a movie! Thank you so much casting now.

Date Posted: 3rd June 2017

Cherie Falconer

I recently returned to the world of modelling after a long break. Since starting again I was very fortunate to be given the role of portraying an 'affluent housewife' for a furniture commercial. Also a still shoot for a very famous film company and live TV work.

Date Posted: 26th May 2017

Carrie-Ann Simmonds

I have heard many good things by my acting colleagues using casting now. I have recently joined myself so I am looking forward to the opportunities that come. Wish me luck :)

Date Posted: 18th April 2017

Alabama Baxter

Since joining casting now,I have had several calls and three auditions and now waiting on a couple of projects to come further.Great site to be on.I have investigated other sites and this one is true to its ideals

Date Posted: 10th April 2017

Jodie Armore White - Consumer Psychologist

I'm actually a bit surprised! Have seen many 'success stories' on this site and I have to say....I signed up with Casting Now 2 weeks ago and got a call yesterday about a photo shoot in April for a Crime Thriller. Impressive, at least I know I'm being seen which is important for all. Thanks Casting Now and looking forward to future opportunities.

Date Posted: 30th March 2017

Jacques Ferron

I have been with CN for less than a year and have successfully secured a number of short film roles as well as TFP modelling shoots. I thoroughly recommend this site.

Date Posted: 24th March 2017

Laura Parijs

Hello everyone !!! Casting Now has been pretty good to me ! I've only joined Casting Now since a few months now and got my first direct booking in after applying for some different jobs. I applied for a Webcommercial casting and left my personal website behind in my cover letter. The director of this Webcommercial contacted me straight via my own website and offered me the job. He was impresssed by my website and reading my cover letter. I feel blessed ! Laura Parijs

Date Posted: 11th March 2017

Kevin D Stones

Recently finished a new tv series for Channel 5. Amazing!

Date Posted: 5th March 2017

Jessica Leigh Groom

Only 2 months in and I have had lots of interest from castings and positive feedback.

Date Posted: 2nd March 2017

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