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Browse the Presenter Jobs and Presenting Auditions (Archive) below. Click the title for further information and to apply.

£Expenses Only
Job Closed: 9th September 2016
We are seeking couples and individuals to appear on camera and give soundbites of their opinions for a short TV Promo (Not for TX) like in the style of the couples featured sitting on the sofat...

£Successful applicants will be
Job Closed: 5th August 2016
In certain areas of the world, sauna's are considered a sacred and meditative places where people can share their personal thoughts and individual stories. We are looking for confident and...

Job Closed: 12th July 2016
ITN Productions working on a live ‘BIG BREXIT DEBATE SHOW’, to discuss what should happen next! For Channel 5 on evening of the Monday 18th of July. ITN Productions would like hear your...

Job Closed: 31st August 2016
Looking for a new male and female actor with minimal TV and Film credits, ideally with no IMDB page and new starters to the industry for production "Time of Our Lives," a web series that...

Job Closed: 7th July 2016
iBody is a new online discussion / chat show regarding Health & Fitness. Guests will range across the complete spectrum from 90 year old oriental lady who does tai-chi to the 18 year old...

Job Closed: 13th July 2016
Woking’s hit online TV channel, Woking TV produced by Woking Shopping is looking for a new star of the show! Gifted young presenters are asked to submit a short video to the Woking Shopping website...

Job Closed: 31st July 2016
Looking for Female and Male Extras from the age of 16 to 95 (would like you to be new to this industry to give you a feeling of what it is like to be on set). Filming will take place throughout...

£Payment will be made to partic
Job Closed: 24th June 2016
Tesco would like to meet people who are passionate about food to share the stories behind their favourite foods. We want to meet people with great stories and lots of personality to tell us what...

Job Closed: 30th June 2016
Female voice-over actor required for a lyrical short fiction film about romance in which voice-over verse is used to underscore the on-screen images rather than straight dialogue. The character for...

Job Closed: 15th July 2016
We are currently casting for the new series of Dating in the Dark for ITV2 and we are looking for singles to take part this summer. We want to hear from people from ALL walks of life. Are you...

Job Closed: 31st August 2016
Hi, I'm Buppha. I'm just starting out as a photographer. And I'm therefore building my portfolio at the moment. I'm looking for models male & female for the photoshoot. You will not get paid. But...

Job Closed: 1st September 2016
Require an enthusiastic female with height between 5ft 0 and 5ft 7 to be a magicians assistant in illusions for ongoing photographic and video projects in the SOUTH WEST. No experience necessary as...

Job Closed: 30th June 2016
Are you a budding actor(ess). Do you love to write prose/poetry/scripts? Are you a comedian/comedienne? Are you a musician? Are you a creative? WHO We are a production group with...

Job Closed: 15th July 2016
Male & Female Models Required For a Health Commercial Are you into health? Do you have glowing skin and a lovely smile? Do you have great confidence and charm? Are you seeking well paid work...

Job Closed: 10th September 2016
Actors and Singers required for English-Bollywood feature film being made in London

Job Closed: 30th June 2016
We're looking for a Spanish speaker to act as a presenter. Candidate should have access to a green screen background + HD camera. Studio expenses will be paid separately if necessary. Interested...

Job Closed: 30th June 2016
We are looking for actors/models with a London accent to act as presenters for Financial Daily Reviews online. The job will be done on a long distance. The candidate will have to film himself with...

Job Closed: 10th June 2016
We are making two podcasts each in three languages Arabic, Tigrinya and Pashtu. You will need to be able to read one of these languages and be fluent in that language. Please do not apply if you...

Job Closed: 14th July 2016
Hello, We are looking for models/actors who have a natural presence in front of a camera. There are multiple roles available for models - so we require models/actors from all genders, races,...

Job Closed: 1st August 2016
Channel 4 and Lion Television are looking for hoarders and clutterers who feel their life has been taken over by their compulsion to collect stuff. Maybe you have down sized but not got rid of...