The Superior Scheckattackx
The Superior Scheckattackx
Presenter Entertainer
- 828 Profile Views
Unique ID: the-superior-scheckattackx
- Playing Age: from 18 to 24
Location: Bath
Gender: Male
About Me
I'm simply: one hell of a well spoken man.
Specialist Areas
Employment History & Experience
My experience in presentation lies with my YouTube channel, The Superior ScheckAttackx, where I make videogaming vidoes with a strong emphasis on putting my personality across to the audience. This is most apparant in my weekly "State of Nerdom" newscasts.
Additionally, although my full-time job may be a retail position on the face of it, my job does require a true sense of flamboyance and personality as we are tasked with presenting ourselves, the products and indeed the shop itself to customers. Most of the time we are more akin to actors than salesmen.
Employment History & Experience
My experience in entertainment also stems from my YouTube channel, the Superior ScheckAttackx. The main goal of my channel is to provide content that is aimed towards entertaining and captivating my audience.
Physical Details
Languages Spoken
Experience & Qualifications
General Experience
I'm currently employed as a retail assistant at a handmade glass shop in central Bath, called Bath Aqua Glass, this has been my job for nearly 2 years and is so far the only job I've ever had as I'm merely 20 years of age.
Qualifications & Training
My retail training was undertaken at Bath Aqua Glass, my current place of work, whereby I was trained I the arts of retail and to an extent presentation. I also received formal training as during a Custer Service Apprenticeship, also at Bath Aqua Glass.
Other Information
Relevant Skills
I'm consistently lauded as incredibly flamboyant, highly well spoken and gentlemanly. As well as being exceptionally pedantic and stubborn. I take great pride in my personality and evocative demeanour that always manages to create a truly endearing first impression.
Interests & Hobbies
I have a personal passion for creating YouTube videos with a flair for popular nerd culture. As such I enjoy a wide variety of manga, Animé, comic books, novels and always enjoy participating in cosplay. I particularly enjoy spending quality time with my nearest and dearest.