

  • 177 Profile Views
    Unique ID: marcia-15
  • Playing Age: from 40 to 50
    Location: Birmingham
    Gender: Female

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About Me

My name is Jayne oconnor I am 51 years old and I feel that I look good for my age and I am always told I look good for my age I\'m a bubbly outgoing lady with a real good personality I\'ve always wanted to get into the TV industry but never been lucky enough to get in week say I\'ve never been lucky enough I\'ve never really tried due to bringing up my children and going through a violent abusive relationship I lost a lot of confidence but now my children are all grown and have children of there own I have plenty of free time apart from I make sure my mother is okay and do what needs to be done for my mother before I set about doing my same day in and day out tasks same thing just different day and in August last year I suddenly couldn\'t walk I had no feeling or movement in both feet from ankles down no reflex and unable to move my toes and feet from side to side and left to right I was in hospital for three weeks having MRI scans and x-rays I was then given lumbar punch which I feel made things worse cus they hit some nerve at the back of my leg my body jumped I thought I was going to hit the ceiling after that I began to get severe pain I was then given a steroid injection in my back for both sides of my legs after perseverance and stopping the medication which was making me worse I gradually started to wiggle my toes then move my ankles from side to side then try to walk with my sticks instead of my frame i eventually got myself walking and realise that you can\'t take life for granted but I have had a lifestyle that I would love to tell my life story to and would love to do a a TV show about it or a way to help others that have experienced the same kinda lifestyle but I do believe that if I was ever given the chance to meet with someone from the TV industry that deals with orditions or lifetime stories I genuinely do believe that I would get somewhere as my personality does stand out and so does my look so if you think that you would like to meet me to have a look at me as a person please get back to me as you won\'t be disappointed

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