Lucy Cornford
Lucy Cornford
- 264 Profile Views
Unique ID: lucy-cornford
- Playing Age: from 16 to 19
Location: Kent
Gender: Female
About Me
I am a 17 year old interested in film and television work. I have starred in many shows in east Kent throughout the past few year and have performed at many different venues, including the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury. I have also done a number of workshops improving a variety of different acting skills. I am eager to improve my skills and am confident in my abilities.
Employment History & Experience
-The Marlowe Theatre - Stacked : Ensemble
-White Slade Theatre : Page to Stage Workshop
-The Folkestone School for Girls - Second Person Narrative : Daughter, Aunt, Retail Salesperson, Officer
-National Theatre Connections - Blackout : Ensemble
-ThinkNation - Documentary : Interviewee
-The Marlowe Theatre - The Rights of Others : TV Presenter
-The Folkestone School for Girls - Spellbound : 2010038
-The Folkestone School for Girls - Hard to Swallow : Anna
-The Folkestone School for Girls - Blood Brothers : Mrs Lyons
Physical Details
Languages Spoken
Experience & Qualifications
General Experience
I have performed in numerous school production and have achieved a GCSE and an AS in drama. I am currently working towards completing an A-Level in Drama as well. I have taken drama lessons at the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury for the past two years and as a result, have performed in the venue with speaking roles.
Other Information
Relevant Skills
I have very strong people skills which I think entails from acting. I find it very easy to talk in front of a large crowd of people and I frequently perform presentations as a result of this.
Interests & Hobbies
Outside of the performing arts, I have an interest in swimming and netball, in which I played for a local team for 5 years. I have a passion for film, fashion and makeup.