Lucy 1

Lucy 1

 Actor  Presenter  Model  Musician  Dancer  Entertainer  Extra

  • 360 Profile Views
    Unique ID: lucy-1-2
  • Playing Age: from 18 to 35
    Location: Norfolk
    Gender: Female

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About Me

I am an enthusiastic and versatile Musical Theatre Performer who has developed from a strong musical theatre background and gone on to appear in a variety of shows and television/film roles.

From pantomimes to serious plays - in addition to a number of other high profile performances, including London 2012 Paralympic Opening Ceremony & Singer at the Olympic relay ceremony.

I consider myself to be a confident, bubbly person who can communicate well and always looks to forge excellent working relationships with my colleagues/audience in any role I take on. These skills and attributes have served me well in the past and enabled me to develop, particularly in recent years when opening up my own, successful performing arts academy. This in turn has given me the opportunity to work with numerous children/adults from a variety of backgrounds and experience the joys and demands that this can bring.
I strongly believe that my personality, coupled with my hard-working and professional attitude, is a great asset alongside with my extensive skills in theatre.







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