Lennon Taylor
Lennon Taylor
- 329 Profile Views
- www.CastingNow.co.uk/lennon-taylor
Unique ID: lennon-taylor
- Playing Age: from 18 to 24
Location: Portsmouth
Gender: Male
About Me
At the risk of making this little biography too boring, I'll keep it short and sweet.
I am a simple man. A man who would sooner dine on a fine Branston bean and a slice of white Hovis ,(toasted),than caviar and those little glorified Ryvitas you get with oats and stuff in them. I enjoy lovely music, particularly the lovely music of my beloved Beatles. I also play the guitar and sing myself however I wouldn\'t want you to think I\'m that annoying bloke who brings his guitar to beaches and social events and all that sort of stuff, I\'m sickened by the very thought. However, (for this next bit I might begin to sound a little bit like David Brent because I can\'t resist), if you\'re asking me, \"Lennon, have you ever played live to an audience of more than 30 people in a pub and or other music related venues\" then let me assure the answer to that question would be a resounding yes. more than Besides music and food, I am a big fan of film and television. Again, at the risk of boring you to death, I won\'t provide you with a list of favourite films and programmes, just assume I like all the good ones.
I hope you\'ve enjoyed this little bio, I certainly haven't enjoyed writing it.
Hope to hear from you all very soon. (Don't all rush at once).
Vocal Skills
Instruments Played
Employment History & Experience
I've played hundreds of gigs and a couple of festivals
Physical Details
Experience & Qualifications
General Experience
I don't have any formal qualifications but I put I can guarantee at least 78% audience satisfaction.
Qualifications & Training
A* Music at GCSE
Other Information
Interests & Hobbies
Music, Film, Fashion, TV, Travel, Art, Nice things, Food.