Looking for male models +1 female who are just starting out for a fun photo shoot
Job ID: 4330
Job Specifics:
We are looking for "regular guy" models to work on an upcoming ambitious photoshoot.
The shoot will be somewhat unconventional and the aim is to appeal to fashion-shy modern day slacker guys in their 20s.
The main underlying theme is rebellion against the current situation they find themselves in, economically and socially, but done with a playful and ironic attitiude.
More details will be sent via email.
We are looking for up to 5 male models (any size & shape. In fact, a plus size male model would be great fun to shoot or a change!)
Please note that this is an unpaid collaboration although all expenses and lunch will be provided.
If this sound interesting, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.
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