Job Specifics:

30 to 40 years old woman to portray upper class in a
3 to 4 min surreal horror independent student film
THE BOY strolls past the grey concrete blocks. Blue sports
jacket, white t-shirt, jeans. Probably about 18 or 19.
Youthful, he has a touch of innocence to him, as if he has
managed to come through a tough childhood still naive.
This is one of those really good house parties. I mean
really good. We move over the dancers, the groups of friend
chatting, the kissing couple, the DJ, all bathed in a
magenta glow.
The Boy sips a beer watching the dancing mass of bodies. The
crowd parts and we see THE WOMAN.
She stands out against the others, her black long sleeved
lace dress a stark contrast to short dresses and shorts.
Her face is illuminated as she looks directly at the Boy.
She must be in her early thirties. Think Nicole Kidman in
Eyes Wide Shut.
She smiles. The only still figure amongst the writhing
Overdressed, but stunning.
The Boy smiles back. She beckons with a finger. He goes to
her, slowly, in a dream.
Then they're up close to each other, claustrophobically
close, flashing lights catching their lust. Their lips meet,
a lingering kiss.
THE MAN appears over the Boy's shoulder. He's wearing a dark
tailored suit, a black and red striped tie, a Rolex on his
wrist. He's attractive, too attractive.
He whispers something in the Woman's ear, she whispers in
the Boy's. He looks at her, bites his lip. A hint of
uncertainty? She takes his arm, steering towards the exit.
A marble floor. We can make out the vague shapes of Louis
Quinze design as the moonlight spills through the door
The front door opens and the three come in.
The Man moves over to the antique hall stand, uses a razor
blade to cut three tidy lines of cocaine on a mirror. Takes
a metal straw from his inside pocket, SNORTS.
The Woman lines up for her turn. She GASPS as the coke hits
the back of her nose.
She's all over the Boy, pulling him towards the white
powder. The Man puts on a record, a loud crashing SYMPHONY.
The Boy does the line, turns to the woman.
The Woman holds the Boy's hand up. Touches her lips to it.
Then the clean SNICK of a blade slicing skin. The boy bleeds
from his finger. The Woman licks it.
We see shadows on the wall, two figures converging on the
Boy. A knife, we hear METAL ON SKIN. Blood splatters on the
The moonlight catches a spider slowly moving towards a
captive fly.
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