Job Specifics:

Producing a series of fanmade audios based on the BBC Webcast, Scream of the Shalka (written by Paul Cornell, starring Richard E. Grant, as the Doctor, Derek Jacobi as the Master, and Sophie Okonedo as the companion, Alison). The series will run to 7 episodes with a contained arc. PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH 'DOCTOR WHO', THE BBC, OR ANY OTHER LICENSED COMPANY.
You can find out more about us and the series in our podcasts, which are available to download in iTunes - or you can find the first at our livejournal website (searchable via google.)
We’d like actors to record these sections in the environment they would record the actual episodes, and with the equipment they would use. Then upload the finished files either to a streaming site such as soundcloud or an upload site such as mediafire.
**Please include a link to your uploaded files in your application or otherwise indicate that you are planning to record a sample to send us soon.**
Time commitment wise you're looking at one readthrough with all the cast of about 3 hours, and about 3 hours per main part recording, going down to much less for smaller parts. In an ideal situation readthroughs and recordings will happen via Skype. If we want to call you back (it's possible we will just offer parts based on these initial readings) that would also take place via Skype.
We would ideally like to hear from you as soon as possible before the closing date.
Send all audition recordings to the email provided - please also feel free to ask any questions there.
Thank you,
The Radiosonic Production Team
ATHANASIUS, a PHILOSOPHER, POLITICIAN and IMMORTAL (male - main character besides the regular cast)
Genial, very clever and quick to joke/twinkle in his eye (think Ben Kenobi). Religious, and believes every word of it. Good at making speeches.
The business of empire continues, Eusabio... [COUGH]... and the business of learning never ceases. Much... to be done. And then... [COUGH]... I would have you take me to Valoukli.
I value guests far more than my few possessions - and besides, what threat is an armed man to me now? The last man who tried to rob me discovered that cutting my throat solved nothing. I gather he has taken holy orders now.
(after just being killed/resurrected)
Then saith he to Thomas, “Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands, and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.”
Although, actually I would rather you did not. That did sting a little.
Defined by his relationship with Athanasius, who he has looked after for many years and who he believes is touched by the hand of God. Dismissive of idiots and quick to anger.
Built on the very spot where Leo the Thracian was guided to the life-giving spring. I took my master there to pray – he bade me wait outside, and as I waited, I heard a roar like the loudest wind, and saw a light like bright moonshine - I ran to my master, and he was dead. I helped the monks bear him to rest – but in the morning, he rose again! It is the miracle of Valoulki that keeps my master safe from harm, I am sure of it. He went to the waters to pray, and his prayers were answered!
Are you sure you can manage the walk?
You killed him! You killed my master!
Woman with a job to do. Knows her mind, and lets her husband know it too.
What are you doing out here working? You should be in bed. I should be in bed. With you.
(worried, talking of Athansius)
I only hope his blessing can be shared. My husband is very sick, and the physician says there is nothing to be done. I had hoped for an audience with the Holy One – we knew him before he rose again, you see - but there are hundreds of people clamouring for him outside his house, and more arriving every day. But you did not come all this way to hear about my woes, did you? There you go, sir. Lord bless you.
MARO, her HUSBAND (male - medium part)
Working man/salt of the Earth.
(in reponse to - \'what ails you?\')
It\'s my wife, praetor. She calls me away from work for, well, for things I\'m not sure I should discuss with a man of your standing.
(shouting to crowds)
My friends, I pray you stay this madness! Would you drag him out of his very home, at this hour?
ALIEN (male/female - medium part)
New alien. Do whatever you think sounds best (maybe a few different versions). I imagine their voices chiming, but go with whatever you like. Nothing’s set in stone.
We are... not like you. We come from... another place. Outside this one. The language... does not have a word for it. The space is different. We are not... confined, as you are.
He is in God\'s hands already, Eusabio – in that state from whence only a miracle can deliver him. And I don\'t know any doctors who can work miracles. Good day.
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Job Closed 
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