Job Specifics:

We are making a teaser for a script that has been in the works for the past couple of months as part of the Four Corners program (details provided at the bottom). Here is an outline on what it's about:
Every year for the past 17 years, the Murphy's and the Anderson's have met up for a weekend away in the South of France. Despite both of the families growing and changing over this time, this weekend away together has always taken place. Over the past year Rebecca Murphy was killed in a car accident, leaving her husband, Aaron, to care for their daughter Ella. Despite this recent trauma, the weekend goes ahead and the family are left to reconfigure their relationships with the glue that held them together, Rebecca, missing. Over the course of the weekend, secrets begin to dominate their lives, causing friction in relationships and doubts in peoples intentions. Daisy Anderson is determined to hide her virginity from a handsome older boy next door, Ella gets caught in the middle of hiding this relationship, Mark believes Aaron and Ella's relationship has become codependent and inappropriate, and someone in the house is hiding the biggest secret of all; Rebecca's affair. In three days, everything changes and everyone is left in their own way to pick up the pieces.
This script explores darker themes. Can be seen as similar to the films "Festen" (Celebrations) or "August: Osage County".
Our teaser will be the filming of one scene containing all of the characters to reveal their dynamic. The scene will not be a direct scene from the script, but rather one our scriptwriter has written separately to mimic the most significant scene; the dining room scene. In our main script, this is the moment where almost all secrets are revealed and everything comes to a head. Our teaser will include a lot of improvisation from our actors so it is important that you know your characters well. A general outline of where the conversation is heading will be provided.
THE MURPHY FAMILY (British - appropriate accents required)
Aaron (37) - Rebecca's husband, father of Ella. Level-headed, calm. Since Rebecca's passing, he has been trying to stay strong for Ella but has been failing. Never really got along with the Anderson family, it was his wife who was the reason why they caught up annually. Because of this, he wasn't wanting to go the year that Rebecca died but went for Ella. Loved his wife, loves his daughter. Once he hears of Rebecca's affair he is upset, yet understanding, as he was away a lot for his work as a journalist. Light features, brownish/light hair, green/blue eyes, light skin.
Ella (16): Aaron and Rebecca's daughter. Great friends with Daisy which is why she loves meeting up with the Anderson's every year. Even though her mother recently died, she urges her father to still go along on the weekend trip. Sad since her mother's passing, but has been trying to stay strong for her dad who has been falling apart ever since. Because of this, it is Ella who seems to have been looking after Aaron, rather than the other way around. She has matured since her mother's passing, which is why she doesn't totally get along with Daisy this time around. Ella is both curious and disgusted by Daisy's sexual enthusiasm, as she is a virgin herself. Ella could be described as being part of the 'indie' culture. Brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin.
THE ANDERSON FAMILY (American - appropriate accents required)
Olivia (36): Wife to Mark, mother to MJ. Olivia was best friends with Rebecca which is why they organised their family's coming together every year. Doesn't love her husband anymore, and is trapped in an unhappy marriage. Loved him when they first got together but he has changed over time, and she wants to keep it together for MJ and Daisy so she puts up with him. Admires and respects Aaron, and secretly wishes she got to him before Rebecca did. Puts on a happy facade but is really quite miserable inside. Due to her husband's way of life, it's really her who runs the family and takes care of the house. Light hair, sun-kissed skin, beautiful refreshing face.
Mark (46): Husband to Olivia, father to Daisy and MJ. Mark had Daisy with another woman before Olivia. On the outside, Mark appears to be a kind man but really has a few problems. He is an alcoholic, and whenever he drinks he can get a bit aggressive. Loves his wife, but not enough to change his ways for her. Mark is determined to make his son a 'man', and despite MJ's clear dispassion for sports and most manly things, Mark doesn't give up. Doesn't get along with Aaron and never has, so their relationship is awkward and forced. Brown hair that can be slicked to one side, clean shaven, smart looking.
DAISY (17): Daughter to Mark and his former lover. Doesn't love Olivia as she isn't her real mum. On the outside, Daisy is the perfect little girl; dresses smartly, behaves well. When she's away from her parents and family, she is the total opposite. Occasionally she is quite foul-mouthed and she is very interested in sex. She has been seeing the guy next door, Adam, over the past few years whenever she went to the holiday house. This is the year that she finally wants to sleep with him, and she involves Ella in her plight to do so. Dark hair, dark eyes.
MJ (10): Son to Olivia and Mark. MJ doesn't quite fit in, he's into video games and is what one would consider an introvert. Mark wants him to be different, more manly, and so is forced to do things he doesn't enjoy. Most of the time MJ observes what happens around the house, and really only gets along with Ella. Very light features, matching his parents.
Once interest has been expressed, monologues will be provided to learn for audition purposes.
Four Corners accepts 12 groups from around Europe that aims to help workshop and develop scripts to the point where they can be made into films ready for the international market. The program takes place over the course of a year, and so far we've had workshops in Bulgaria and Helsinki and are at the point where we need to create a teaser for our film idea. At this stage, we are to present a package of the how's and what's in terms of our teaser idea (including actors), which are to be sent to our program leaders by the 30th of this month. They will then be mulled over, and the 5 most promising ideas will be funded 2000 euros for the teaser to be made! This teaser will then be shown to industry professionals at the end of the program where the most successful idea will be picked and funded approximately 8000 euros to be turned into a real movie. If you would like, you can read more on the 4 Corners website here: http://four4corners.com/blog/?page_id=240.
If we are funded the 2000 euros, then pay will be possible.
Will be great experience and exposure; our teaser will be shown internationally.
Location tbc, but travel expenses will be paid for.
My Four Corners group consists of myself (Producer), Ornela Peka (Director) and Hadley Campbell (Scriptwriter). We are all students attending Regent's University in London.
Please email if interested.
Thanks for your time,
Alix Manolas
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