Asif Iqbal
Asif Iqbal
- 951 Profile Views
- www.CastingNow.co.uk/asif-iqbal
Unique ID: asif-iqbal
- Playing Age: from 18 to 75
Location: London
Gender: Male
About Me
I am a patient, creative, well-motivated and hardworking and am passionate about my work. I am a self-starter, resilient and am able to work independently. I am seen as democratic in my approach in dealing with issues and have spoken up on a wide range of issues with independence and authority. I have strong sense of integrity and value my work with all groups of people including Black Asian Minorities Ethnic, Deaf, disabled and other minorities groups and am determined to achieve my goals. My true reward lies in the satisfaction of clients and the improvement of their quality of life brought about by our services. I’m sensitive to people’s needs and always personable and professional in my approach with the public, colleagues and stakeholders. I have a good sense of humour and enjoy meeting people. I mix well with people from all sections of the community and have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
I love travelling and have had opportunity to travel around the world with stops including Toronto, LA, Auckland, Sydney, Bangkok, Phuket and Singapore before returning to London. In addition, I have travelled a lot to USA (New York, Washington DC, Florida), Europe (Spain, Scandinavia, Germany, France, Finland, Ireland, Scotland), Dubai and South East Asia (India and Pakistan and Tokyo). Here, I enjoyed meeting the local communities and their cultures, tourisms and have given an insight on their daily lives, national politics and the systems they lives in.
Extras Work, Partipant, Contestant
Physical Details
Languages Spoken
Experience & Qualifications
General Experience
SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT where I gave papers to:
October 2013: Guest Speaker for Brent Deaf People Group
October 2013: Guest Speaker for University of Central Lancashire
October 2013: Guest Speaker for Hatch End High School, Harrow
September 2013 Guest Speaker for Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education
May 2013 Guest Speaker for Deaf Unity
October 2012 Guest speaker for Harrow’s Heroes Award event
March 2012 Guest Speaker for Communityid Seminar
May 2010 Guest Speaker for RADAR’s Yorkshire and Humberside Empowerment Forum
April 2010 Guest Speaker for RADAR’s Leadership Programme, London
March 2010 Guest Speaker for RADAR’s North East Empowerment Forum, Newcastle
Jan 2010 Guest Speaker for RADAR’s Leadership Programme, Manchester
Nov 2009 Chair of RADAR’s ‘Right to Independent Living and Control’ Workshop, London
May 2005 Chaired at UKCOD Deaf People from Overseas Conference
March 2005 Guest Speaker - Deaf Ethnic Minorities Conference, London
June 2002 Guest Speaker at the Mayor Office and the Mayor's Disability Council, San Francisco, USA.
October 2015 Event organiser for BSL Charter Signing Ceremony, Mayor Parlour, Harrow Council
September 2014 National Independent Living Awards Breakthrough UK Award Judges
Sept 2014 Advisory role/ consultant: I have been involved with Harrow Council and Harrow Police, advising on Deaf and Equalities issues
2013 Deaf Awareness photocall with Mayor of Harrow, Deputy Mayor, Chief Executive of Harrow Council and Chief Inspector of Harrow Police, which I organised and invited local press’ photographer, in advance of the Harrow Deaf Awareness Day to promote the event and sent out press release to local and deaf media.
February 2012 Consultant/ Advisor to Dacorum Borough Council on their Equality strategies in providing access for deaf/ hard of hearing residents.
July 2010 The Royal Collection Queen's Gallery Project Group, Buckingham Palace
2009 to date: President/ Leader of Harrow United Deaf Club, Harrow, I revived and re-estabalished Harrow Asian Deaf Club from its demise and provided the much needed leadership and support on projects associated to the Harrow Deaf Club which has over 1.100 members and runs monthly evenings for Deaf people and their families. Also because of my success with the club, I was elected as President of Harrow United Deaf Club.
2005 Deaf Awareness with Candy Morris, Chief Executive of Kent and Medway Strategic Health Authority/ other VIP Guests.
2004 - 2006 Representative for the following: the Kent County Council (KCC) Social Services DDA Group; KCC County Service Equalities Group; the Black Worker Forum; Black Worker Core Forum; Black Staff Group, Disabled Staff Group, the Health DDA Group (Ashford); Kent Police DDA Group and the Education Libraries & Equalities Strategy Group
1998 -1999 Guest speaker at various conferences including career conventions
1997 – 1998 Disability Student Officer at University of Central Lancashire Student’s Union
1995 Chairperson of Student Committee, Derby College for Deaf People
1994 Invited HRH the Duchess of York and the lead in organising her visit to Royal School for the Deaf, Derby to celebrate Centenary anniversary of the school.
1992 – 1995 Board member of the National Deaf Children Society’s Youth Committee
1994 Assistant Leader of Friends for Young Deaf People (FYD), working with deaf/hearing children during the sports festival at Crystal Palace
• Wrotes articles/ press releases which regularly appeared in The Harrow Obsever and The Harrow Times newspapers
• Spokesperson for Deaf Parenting UK
• Wrote regular articles/ columns in the ‘Around Kent’ and ‘Medway Matters’ magazines which were distributed to 2 million residents in Kent and Medway,
• Interviewed for BBC London news, London Tonight, and BBC radio
• Presenter for national information video
• Co-creator of CD Rom about Student life at University of Central Lancashire
• TV Extra appearance on Emmerdale, Orange TV Ad and Goodness Gracious Me
Qualifications & Training
2013 West Herts College, Watford Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM) Level 5 Award in Leadership and Management
1999 University of Central Lancashire BA (Hon) Deaf Studies and Education Studies
1999 University of Central Lancashire CACDP BSL Stage 3
1996 Mackworth College, Derby Access to Higher Education
1995 Wilmorton College, Derby Cert of Business and Finance
1995 Derby College for Deaf Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award
1994 Burwood Park College Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award
1994 Wilmorton College, Derby BTEC 1st Diploma Business and Finance
1994 Derby College for Deaf CACDP BSL Stage 2
1993 Brooklands College, Surrey BTEC 1st Diploma Science
In addition to several in-house trainings on social care and attending various conferences, I have also completed the following:
2015: Camden Council Health & Safety Training
2015: Camden Council: Care Act Managing partnerships with internal and external stakeholders
2015: Camden Council: Care Act and support: assessment and eligibility
2015: Camden Council: Care Act Training
2013 Conflict of Management Training
2012 Mental Health – An Introduction, West Berkshire Council
2012 Support Planning, West Berkshire Council
2012 Security Introduction, West Berkshire Council
2011 Duty of Care and Complaints Training, West Berkshire Council
2011 Communicate Effectively Training, West Berkshire Council
2011 Safeguarding Adults – Introduction L1 Training, West Berkshire Council
2011 Data Protection & Freedom of Information Training, West Berkshire Council
2011 First Aid Training, Harrow
2011 Fire Awareness Training, West Berkshire Council
2011 Equality and Diversity Training, West Berkshire Council
2011 Deaf Managers – Facing the Challenge How Deaf People Can Succeed in Management, Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
2010 Advocacy for Children Training
2010 Advocacy for Older People Training
2010 National Autistic Society Autism Advocacy Training
2010 About Time Public Leaders (Advanced)
2009 Mind Health Mental Awareness
2009 Safeguarding Adults - A Basic Awareness course
2009 Mind Culture & Mental wellbeing
2009 An Introduction to how the Disability Discrimination Acts can be used in Employment
2009 HAD Disability Equality Duty
2007 Understanding Modern GOV
2007 Office for Disability Issues
2007 Race Equality Unit’s ‘Doing my best’ - The fifth annual conference of Strengthening Families, Strengthening
2007 Communities inclusive parent programme Race Equality Unit Networking Conference: ‘Supporting black and minority ethnic fathers in their parenting role’
2006 Informed Choices: ‘Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities’ Annual Conference
2005 CACDP Deaf Awareness Trainer
2005 CACDP Level One BSL Curriculum Training
2005 Project Management, Kent County Council
2005 Introduction to Management, Kent County Council
2004 Stress Management, Kent County Council
2004 Adult Protection Training, Kent County Council
2004 Managing Diversity Training, Kent County Council
2001 National Campaigns Voluntary organisation
2001 Strategic Planning
2001 Time Management
1997 FYD Community Ambassadors Training
1997 FYD Projects Ambassadors Training
1993 FYD Initiative Training Course (Supervisor)
1994 FYD Leadership part Two
1993 FYD Initiative Training
Other Information
Relevant Skills
Extrawalk, presenting, public speaker, event organiser, Equality and Diversity, social services, travelling, community development, community engagement, community outreach, charities, campaigns, Media, public appointments, health, advocacy, families/children, management, etc
Interests & Hobbies
Board members within Voluntary sector:
September 2014 Trustee of British Deaf Association, UK: providing support and strategic direction to support BDA and enabling deaf people to be aware of their basic rights
January 2013 Deaf Parenting UK(first charity in UK & worldwide) as an Ambassador supporting Deaf parents; working in partnership with UK Government including health, social services, education and third sector organisations; guest speaker in national and international conferences on Deaf Parenting issues and the specialist services we provides to deaf parents families.
November 2012 Harrow Arts Centre Ambassador – promoting Arts
March 2012 Honorary Vice President of Deafax, a deaf charity for deaf young people using technology
2011 – Oct 2012 Member of the London Organising Committee Deaf Community Outreach Team of the Olympic Games and Paralympic’s Games 2012
June 2011 Runnymede Trust Advisory Group – The project establishing a score card system that BME communities can use to hold their representatives to account on crucial issues like housing, health and criminal justice.
2009 to 2011 Board of Trustee for Royal Association for Disability and Rights (RADAR) - In addition to the Trustee role, I have been involved in various projects including reviewing the RADAR branding logo and website), contributing the views of deaf and disabled people and BME communities onto the RADAR Strategy aswell as attending theAll Party Parliamentary Disability Group (APPG). I also gave presentation as a guest speaker for RADAR’s Local Empowerment forums and Leadership events. I am also an active member of Radiate Network, being involved in networking with disabled senior mangement level.
2009 to date President of Harrow United Deaf Club. I revived and re-estabalished Harrow Asian Deaf Club from its demise and provided the much needed leadership and support on projects associated to the Harrow Deaf Club which has over 1,100 members and runs monthly evenings for Deaf people and their families. I run a Educational programme for our members with a wide ranging of thematic issues affecting young people, older people, celebrating the diversity of our communities eg Eid, Diwali, Chinese New Year, Easter, International Women Day and LGBT’s Fight for your rights celebration. Also because of my success with the club, I was elected as President of Harrow United Deaf Club. I have also organised several high profile events including Harrow Deaf Awareness Day working partnership with the stakeholders/ local communities. Here, I invited several MPs and people of influences to support our event and worked with a project team and inviting senior managements/ Cabinent members to be involved so deaf people have opportunity to have direct voices onto the decision makers about their access to Council services. I also coordinated the communication with the media to maximise publicity of the event and maximise attendances.
2004 – 2006 Trustee/ Board member of United Kingdom Council on Deafness (UKCoD)
2000 – 2002 Deaf Broadcasting Council Trustee, improving to improve access to TV programmes for deaf customers including subtitles, BSL translation . Also to represent more deaf people to be part in or in the background scene of TV programmes.
Fundraising for good causes:
I have been involved in fundraising activities and successfully raised money for several charities including BBC Children in Needs, Comic Relief, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Lepra, Macmillan Cancer, HIV Aids and most recently (June 2015), I completed a Jail & Bail stint for St Luke's Hospices and raised £1000.
Sports: Badminton, Table Tennis
Miscellaneous Information
Major achievements:
2014: Named as one of the top 10 most influential disabled people List for Public Services (Disablity News)
2013: Eurpean Diversity Award 2013 Highy Commended Inspirational Role Model of Year
2013: Asianlite Business Award 2013 Civil, Social and Community Sevice