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Yes - I live in Cornwall, but I must say that I have been approached for work.There is something in the pipe-line, which I am looking forward to!

Colin Matthews

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Acting Auditions: Tips and Advice!

Acting auditions are always intimidating no matter how great your experience. However tackling the nerves is a must if you are to give your best performance. Here are some crucial dos and don’ts:

  1. Always be well prepared and make sure you know who and what you are auditioning for. Try to find out who is on the audition casting panel as it will help to add a personal touch if you get the opportunity to chat with them.

  2. Make sure to look presentable as first impressions count. Ensure your hair and make up is done and you dress smart. Don't be overdone unless asked to dress in a particular style, but never go simply in rehearsal wear.

  3. Be confident while entering the acting casting auditions space as it can be paramount to your success. Try to make eye contact, be attentive, give a warm genuine smile and look pleased and excited to be there.

  4. Before going for open auditions, research the company and the job. Make sure to prepare certain questions to ask at the audition casting to demonstrate you have looked into it. It is important if you are well informed of extras auditions and the role you are applying for.

  5. Try to give your 100% in all parts of the acting auditions. It's your one opportunity to shine, so make the most of it.

  6. Never ever make excuses for yourself. Believe in yourself and just give it your very best.

  7. Try to stay calm. Vocal and breathing techniques are a good use of time before your open auditions.

  8. Make sure to prepare your voice by using a good quality vocal warm up CD on a regular basis before your acting casting auditions.

  9. Always choose the best material for yourself and don't make the mistake of being self indulgent and just acting that is popular or something you like.

  10. Rehearse your material thoroughly and learn your words and practice them religiously. Always be prepared to do that little bit extra.

  11. Make sure you have plenty of rest the night before acting auditions. Eat healthy and drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your audition. This will make a huge difference to your skin texture, giving you a healthy glow, sparkling eyes and consequently much more confidence.

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