Antti Kaarlela

Antti Kaarlela

 Actor  Presenter  Entertainer  Extra

  • 550 Profile Views
    Unique ID: antti-kaarlela
  • Playing Age: from 26 to 35
    Location: London
    Gender: Male

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About Me

Accents & Dialects:
(* = native) American-Standard, Finnish, Scandinavian
(* = Native/Fluent) English*, Finnish*, Italian, Swedish
Music & Dance:
(* = highly skilled) Contact Improvisation, Contemporary Dance, Dance (general), Guitar, Guitar-Electric, Jazz Dancing, Singing (general)
Performance: Audio Books, Audio Drama, Childrens Theatre, Clown, Comedy, Comedy Improv, Commedia Dell'Arte, Corporate Roleplay, Dubbing, Forum Theatre, Immersive Performance, Master of Ceremonies, Physical Theatre, Poetry Reading, Repertory, Street Theatre, Theatre In Education, Translation Audio Books, Viewpoints, Voice Acting, Voice Over, Writer/Director - Comedy Fringe
(* = highly skilled) Air Rifle Shooting, Longboard, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Snowboarding*, Snowmobile, Surfing
Vehicle Licences: Car Driving Licence, Motorcycle Licence
Other Skills: Animal Handling, Artistic Director, Camera Operator, Contact Juggling, Devising, Diablo, Director, Drama Workshop Leader, Filmmaker, Fire Breathing, Graphic Design (experienced), Improvisation, Journalist, Juggling, Lyricist, Narration, Painting, Photography-Professional, Producer (professional), Scriptwriter (professional), Story Telling, Theatre Design, Translating, Writer
Oulu City Theatre, Full time Acting, 4 years
SITI Company / Skidmore College, Ensemble Theatre work 2007
Atlantic Theatre Company Acting School 2006
TVI Actor's Studio L.A. 2005
Mime Centre school of physical Theatre 2002



 -  Commercials
 -  Corporate
 -  Film (Professional)
 -  Film (Student)
 -  Music Videos
 -  Musicals
 -  Radio
 -  Teaching
 -  Theatre (Fringe)
 -  Theatre (Professional)
 -  Theatre (Touring)
 -  TV


 -  London
 -  General American
 -  Finnish
 -  Italian
 -  Swedish

Employment History & Experience

2014, Stage, Lämsä, TOISET KENGÄT, Oulu City Theatre, Fiikka Forsman
2014, Stage, Olli, OLLI 0.8 - MELKEIN VALMIS IHMINEN, Arctic Reach Ensemble, Riikka Bado
2012, Stage, Mr. Wilson, THE GREAT GATSBY, English Theatre of Rome, Gaby Ford
2012, Stage, Waldemar, OVI, Jojo - Oulu dance Centre, Antti Kairakari
2010, Stage, Richard Knowles, A FINN, A SWEDE AND A NORSEMAN, Arctic Reach Ensemble, Riikka Bado
2008, Stage, Tuomas Diaforus, TARTUFFE, Oulu City Theatre, Juha Malmivaara
2008, Stage, Jaakko, NISKAVUOREN HETA, Oulu City Theatre, Sina Kujansuu
2007, Stage, Alpo, RISTO RÄPPÄÄJÄ, Oulu City Theatre, Ahti Ahonen
2006, Stage, Medvedenko, SEAGULL, Oulu City Theatre, Anu Saari
2006, Stage, Various roles, QUEEN C, Oulu City Theatre, Leena Salonen
2005, Stage, Lieutnant Erjola, PETRONELLA, Oulu City Theatre, Leena Salonen
2005, Stage, Motorcyclist, UN MOMENT AVANS MORIR, Oulu City Theatre, Miko Jaakkola
2005, Stage, Pohjan Poika, KALEVALA, Oulu City Theatre, Samuli Reunanen
2005, Stage, Wizard, WIZARD OF OZZZ, Oulu City Theatre, Janne Kuustie
2005, Stage, Mattias, ARKKIENKELI OULUSSA, Oulu City Theatre, Katariina Lahti
2004, Stage, Shadow boy, TEEMU RAKENTAA, Oulu City Theatre, Anniina Rokka
2004, Stage, Hemmo, ELÄMÄ JA KUOLEMA, Oulu City Theatre, Mikko Roiha
2004, Stage, Kuski, NIKKELIKUKKA, Oulu City Theatre, Kurt Nuotio
2004, Stage, Orvar, BROTHER LIONHEART, Oulu City Theatre, Liisa Toivonen
2003, Stage, Johan, POPULAR MUSIC FROM VITTULA, Oulu City Theatre, Katariina Lahti


2013, Feature Film, Frank, HARLEQUINS GORGE, 3rd man and the Mob, Matthew T. Reynolds
2008, Feature Film, Mikko, SISTER'S APART, Kinotar, Hanna Maylett
2006, Feature Film, Announcer, COLIN FITZ LIVES!, Bella Mangan, Robert Bella
2014, Film, Jarkko, POJAT, Lahden Muotoiluinstituutti, Isabella Karhu
2004, Film, Dancer, STAINS, OSAO, Pauliina Eronen


2015, Television, Sutinen, ROBA, Yellow Film and TV, Joona Tena
2013, Television, Sami, WHEN IN ROME, Kimera Film, Marco Vallini


2015, Audio, Builder, PELTEK RADIO COMMERCIAL, Miracle Sound, Rike Pietilä
2014, Audio, Businessman, LÄHITAKSI RADIO COMMERCIAL, Miracle Sound, Rike Pietilä
2014, Audio, Husband, LÄHITAKSI RADIO COMMERCIAL, Miracle Sound, Rike Pietilä
2013, Audio, Narrator, SANTA'S STORY, Whatevergroup / Santa Claus Office, Antti Kairakari
2013, Audio, Young father, PIKALAINA RADIO COMMERCIAL, Miracle Sound, Rike Pietilä



 -  Commercials
 -  Corporate
 -  Internet/ Web
 -  Promotions
 -  Teaching
 -  TV

Specialist Areas

 -  Adventure
 -  Art
 -  Business
 -  Childrens TV
 -  Comedy
 -  Education
 -  Event
 -  Film
 -  Lifestyle
 -  Media
 -  Performing Arts
 -  Showbiz
 -  TV Shows
 -  Voiceover



 -  Clown
 -  Comedian
 -  Master of Ceremonies
 -  Speciality Act

Employment History & Experience

2014, Music Video, Lead, MORS SUBITA, Mutant Koala Pictures, Jukka Vidgren
2010, Dance, Ensemble, A LIGHT'S YEAR, Jojo - Oulu dance Centre, Antti Kairakari
2009, Dance, Ensemble, BODIES, Jojo - Oulu dance Centre, Christine Fricker
2007, Circus, aerialist, SIPRIINAN TEATTERISEIKKAILU, Oulu City Theatre, Olka Horila
2004, Circus, Clown, STELLA SUURI JA ROMEO, Suuri Tähtiteatteri, Anna-Kaisa Järvi
2011, Site Specific, Franco Pollo, EXPERIENCE PARK OULU, Kadonnut Kaupunki OY, Sami Henrik Haapala
2011, Site Specific, Onni, SUOMESTA KERÄTTYÄ, Teatteri Pensas, Kati Niemi
2014, Commercial, Lead, VALIO EILA, Frontdesk Production, Lauri Nurkse
2011, Commercial, Lead, LOTTERY WINNERS, Pohjantähti Filmi, JP Siili

Extras Work, Partipant, Contestant


 -  Commercials
 -  Corporate
 -  Film
 -  Film (Professional)
 -  Film (Student)

Physical Details

White/ Caucasian
Skin Colour:
5 ft 11 in
11 st 9 lb
Dress Size:
Shoe Size:
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Strawberry Blonde
Hair Length:
Hair Style:

Languages Spoken

 -  English
 -  Finnish
 -  Italian
 -  Swedish

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Music & Dance:
(* = highly skilled) Contact Improvisation, Contemporary Dance, Dance (general), Guitar, Guitar-Electric, Jazz Dancing, Singing (general)
Performance: Audio Books, Audio Drama, Childrens Theatre, Clown, Comedy, Comedy Improv, Commedia Dell'Arte, Corporate Roleplay, Dubbing, Forum Theatre, Immersive Performance, Master of Ceremonies, Physical Theatre, Poetry Reading, Repertory, Street Theatre, Theatre In Education, Translation Audio Books, Viewpoints, Voice Acting, Voice Over, Writer/Director - Comedy Fringe
(* = highly skilled) Air Rifle Shooting, Longboard, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Snowboarding*, Snowmobile, Surfing
Vehicle Licences: Car Driving Licence, Motorcycle Licence
Other Skills: Animal Handling, Artistic Director, Camera Operator, Contact Juggling, Devising, Diablo, Director, Drama Workshop Leader, Filmmaker, Fire Breathing, Graphic Design (experienced), Improvisation, Journalist, Juggling, Lyricist, Narration, Painting, Photography-Professional, Producer (professional), Scriptwriter (professional), Story Telling, Theatre Design, Translating, Writer

Qualifications & Training

Oulu City Theatre, Full time Acting, 4 years
SITI Company / Skidmore College, Ensemble Theatre work 2007
Atlantic Theatre Company Acting School 2006
TVI Actor's Studio L.A. 2005
Mime Centre school of physical Theatre 2002

Other Information

Relevant Skills

(* = highly skilled) Air Rifle Shooting, Longboard, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Snowboarding*, Snowmobile, Surfing
Vehicle Licences: Car Driving Licence, Motorcycle Licence
Other Skills: Animal Handling, Artistic Director, Camera Operator, Contact Juggling, Devising, Diablo, Director, Drama Workshop Leader, Filmmaker, Fire Breathing, Graphic Design (experienced), Improvisation, Journalist, Juggling, Lyricist, Narration, Painting, Photography-Professional, Producer (professional), Scriptwriter (professional), Story Telling, Theatre Design, Translating, Writer

Interests & Hobbies

Acting, Dancing, Scriptwriting

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